59A Williams Road, GIRRAWEEN NT 0836
This property is close to Coolalinga Shopping Complex and schools.

3 Centauri Court, WOODROFFE NT 0830
This great family home has a great feel about it - fully airconditioned,…

140 Whitewood Road, Howard Springs NT 0835
This house is quite different as the Living area and kitchen…

22 Sophia Rd, GIRRAWEEN NT 0836
This semi elevated 3 bedroom 1 bathroom house is fully airconditioned,…

5B Varro Road, LLOYD CREEK NT 0822
Do you want a large shed? this place is for you, 3ph power. It…

21/13 Lloyd Rd, Humpty Doo NT 0836
This spacious 3 br 1 bathroom ground level unit is ready waiting…